- Aids in general relaxation—reduces flight or fight response.
- Boosts your body’s natural detoxification process.
- Helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
- Decreases fluid retention in the body, especially the head, legs, and feet.
- Speeds up healing after injury or surgery by stimulating microcirculation and lymph flow.
- Reduces scar tissue, aiding it to become softer, smoother, and more flexible.
- Decreases Edema (fluid retention in the soft tissues). Effective for cancer patients who have had lymph nodes removed as well as effects of radiation treatments.
- Helps patients with lymphedema disease.
Manual Lymph Drainage or Lymph Drainage Therapy is a gentle and very effective hands-on technique with specific movements that aid in reducing inflammation and pain, healing injuries and surgeries more rapidly as well as strengthening the immune system and overall well-being.
The way I do Manual Lymph Drainage is unique. I blend traditional MLD movements along with energy healing techniques to help reduce fluid buildup and effect change more rapidly in the lymph and immune systems. With the energy healing/medicine techniques incorporated into my MLD treatments, I clear old, blocked, or stuck energy at the same time which speeds up the healing process.